Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Computer Fundamentals Class Field Trip

Computer Fundamentals Class Field TripHaving a class that is just contained inside of a classroom has it's limitations. Taking a page from Dave Faldez's script another Instructor from California College San Diego. The computer Fundamentals Class set out on a scavenger hunt last

Thursday inside of Fry's Electronics in Mission Valley.The scavenger Hunt consisted of finding key items on a list. There was one list handed to each group. The groups consisted of only 3-4 students. Each group had two hours to find all of the answers. Diane's group was the fastest to finish this time.

Good Job!Every group did very well. Even though the items might not have matched exactly. Everyone was able to rise above the new modifications and find what was required to complete the scavenger hunt.The main goal of this class is to acquaint and accustom the student to new and changing terms and technology.

Through the scavenger hunt we have the opportunity to step out of the classroom and associate terms and technologies with real items. Great Job Everyone!
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Wednesday, March 3, 2010

LG Electronics Visit

Recently CCSD was invited to visit with LG Electronics here in San Diego. The goal of the meeting was to discover any ideas that might exist on how a school and a mobile manufacturer could work together.

There was talk about how much present students use mobile devices and the impact a simple application could make for a student applied correctly.

The opportunities are being looked at. There is a possibility of internships, future Computer Sciences projects, even field trips.

Overall the visit was very pleasant and offered much for thought.
Thank you LG!
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Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Computer Fundamentals Class Filed Trip

Computer Fundamentals Class Filed Trip
Having a class that is just contained inside of a classroom has it's limitations.

Taking a page from Dave Faldez's script another Instructor from California College San Diego. The computer Fundamentals Class set out on a scavenger hunt last Thursday inside of Fry's Electronics in Mission Valley.
The scavenger Hunt consisted of finding key items on a list. There was one list handed to each group. The groups consisted of only 3-4 students. Each group had two hours to find all of the answers. Cynnadra's group was the fastest to finish this time. Good Job!
Every group did very well. Even though the items might not have matched exactly. Everyone was able to rise above the new modifications and find what was required to complete the scavenger hunt.

The main goal of this class is to acquaint and accustom the student to new and changing terms and technology. Through the scavenger hunt we have the opportunity to step out of the classroom and associate terms and technologies with real items. Great Job Everyone!
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