Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Field Trip to Sony Online Entertainment

The class that I am priviledged to teach was part of a field trip that took place in the month of May. This field trip was a break from the classroom to see portions of the lecture in real world life situations.  
From SOE
We left the campus in mission valley to arrive early afternoon in serento valley.
From SOE

Arriving early we took more pictures.
From SOE

We were greeted by Aimee (arekoske@soe.sony.com) our tour guide. After a non disclosure agreement we started the tour. 
From SOE

From SOE

 The tour began in the administrative part of the building. There are four separate buildings that where all the happenings of SOE go on. After the tour of the administrative building we went to where everybody eats, the cafateria. Aimee pointed out some of the creatives sides of SOE.
From SOE
From SOE
From SOE
From SOE
From SOE
The tour was a walking adventure through halways,stairwells, closets, offices etc...
From SOE

From SOE

From SOE

The We stopped by a testing center inside of SOE. This is where all the testing retesting gametesters and just plain testing happenings on Alpha release and Beta release games. From this room every movement of the tester is recorded by camera and microphone.
From SOE

From SOE

From SOE

From SOE

From SOE

From SOE

Next came the development stages of the games. In accordance to the non disclosure agreement we were asked to refrain from any picture taking in these areas. Then came the support system for the games in use. We saw the international tech support department.
From SOE

On the last leg of the tour we saw and interesting sight.
From SOE

stinAimee explained that at SOE they worry as much for the human side of the company as they do the product side. Here we saw an entire department streching before a meeting.
From SOE

meeting.Overall the tour was a success we saw the entire campus and were very fortunate to be explained the different departments of the company and how they work together.


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