Thursday, June 18, 2009

Hard Drive LAB

The day Started with a few articles of news.Then we started on the subject of the day, Hard Drives. There were a few words speaking on the history of the Hard Drive, the different technologies, different form factors then the HANDS ON.
The groups of 4-6 were given a single hard drive. Each group was given the chore to remove the top panel of each hard drive exposing the platters and inside mechanics of each disk. After the top lid was exposed each group was asked draw on the exposedplatter the clusters that each File System uses. The drawings had to represent the sectors, tracks, and most importantly Zone BitRecording.

After the initial removal of the top panel on each groups hard drive. The next task was to diassemble a production tower. Removethe hard drive and cd rom . Remove the Jumpers and IDE cables. This was interesting to see. Each group had a unique manner of removing their components.

One requirment was to take notes while disassembling the tower. This would assist in the reconstruction of the tower.

There was a few notes, some sweat, a drop of blood. Everybody turned a little more tech after the LAB. GoodJob!
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